strength training

What happens if you stop training?

These days, you might be wondering what happens to our bodies when we take a break from training-and there's some good research on that topic. How long it takes to lose our strength gains and lean tissue size during "detraining" depends on several factors:

  • how long you've been training

  • your age

  • your gender

  • how intense your training was

The scientific data suggest that after a few weeks without training, we all start losing strength and lean muscle tissue. The longer the break, the more significant the loss becomes.

Andrei on Corporate Warrior Podcast: NET's story and why training mindfully

Recently, Andrei spoke on the Corporate Warrior podcast, which is the leading podcast on the subject of High Intensity Strength Training lifestyle and business. He talked about the history of NET, the origin and what NET's mindful strength training is about, NET’s MedX equipment, and other related subjects.