Body composition and metabolic health

Strength training at NET is one of the most efficient ways to get fit. Our workouts can help you build lean muscle and reduce body fat—and, in turn, increase your metabolism. With just two workouts a week, you may see results in the mirror that you haven’t been able to achieve with other forms of exercise.  



The outward changes that will happen to your body are only one part of the picture. In fact, our workouts don’t just grow your muscles and reduce fat. They activate a series of processes within the body that influence key hormones, neurotransmitters, and other chemicals, ultimately promoting long-term health across a variety of bodily systems.   

For example, strength training has been shown to improve cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. By making the body more sensitive to insulin, high-intensity training can help prevent type II diabetes—or, for people who already have it, help reduce or eliminate the medication they require.

Strength training makes our bodies younger on a cellular level, which is perhaps why it’s associated with a lower risk of death from cancer, and may be a key to longevity.